Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Teaching Language Arts in 2nd Grade

The three strategies I could not live without while teaching language arts in a 2nd grade classroom are:

1) Guided Reading
2) Reader's Theater
3) Creative Writing

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tim and Bobby Watch a Documentary: The Story of Tim and Bobby's Experience Watching a Documentary During Dr. Price's Class

Tim and I watched a portion of the documentary "Bastards of the Party" during class on 7/13/2011. After watching the beginning of the documentary, Tim and I were struck by the documentary's overview of the genesis of black gang violence.

Here is a brief summary of the documentary, courtesy of Wikipedia:

"Bastards of the Party is a 2006 documentary film produced by Antoine Fuqua and directed by former Bloods gang-member Cle Sloan. The film explores the creation of two of Los Angeles’s most notorious gangs, the Crips and the Bloods, from the perspective of the Los Angeles community. The film also denounces gang violence and presents meaningful solutions from former gang-members to stop this problem."

The full documentary can be viewed at

Friday, July 1, 2011

Assignment Two for Price's Class

Social Situation: Neighborhood Park


Children (on the playground, playing baseball, passing through), adults (supervising, coaching, watching the game, passing through) and teenagers (playing basketball, passing through).


Children- playing on the playground (tag, hanging from the monkey bars, swinging), playing baseball, walking with parents, socializing/interacting with other children.

Adults- socializing/interacting with children and other adults, supervising children, watching the baseball game, instructing/coaching the players, walking with children, other adults or alone.

Teenagers- playing basketball, socializing/interacting with other teenagers, walking with other teenagers or alone.


Behind Oscar Mayer Elementary School, the park contains a playground, blacktop/gravel area with a basketball hoop, baseball diamond with backstop, open grass (in the outfield of the baseball diamond), a series of sidewalks leading around the perimeters of the park sections (grass, playground and gravel areas), a fence lining the grass section and many trees lining the south, east and west boundaries of the grass section.